Policies, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, CC&Rs, Snow Removal Policy for Glen Cove Maintenance Association

Includes duties of the board, officer roles, assessments, utility installation regulations and more.
Bylaws [pdf]

Within the boundaries of 325 acres, this plat was developed by Dale Kooley, Jerome Haugen and Richard Gilbert.
Articles of Incorporation [pdf]

Includes: One membership per lot/title, private roads shall provide free ingress and egress to lot owners and shall be maintained by Glen Cove Maintenance
CC&Rs [pdf]

The Snow Removal Committee will decide, on a case by case basis the timing of snow removal and or sanding/deicing. The goal is to make all reasonable efforts to reduce hazardous road conditions due to snow and ice.
Snow Removal Policy [pdf]

Each lot owner is responsible for keeping their driveway, culverts and trees/bushes in good, safe order. Removal of a fallen tree on the road is the responsibility of the plot owner and to mitigate its danger to others. Phone-trees are a good communication tool for soliciting volunteers to help in this removal effort. Volunteers to help create phone-trees are encouraged and welcome.

A few times a year, the board will ask for volunteers to help with brush trimming and ditch clearing along all association roads. General overhead tree trimming is an annual contracted service arranged by the board.